Pictured here are just some of the wonderful people who will be donating their talent and their time on Sunday November 26,2017 to help raise money in support of the local shelter at the 7th annual Pet Photos with Santa from 12 noon – 4pm. Dr. Erin Bond has been busy planning since late August. Since we started this event in 2011 we have raised more than $9000.00 for the Humane Society of Kawartha Lakes. This event is always a lot of fun! While you are waiting for your photo to be taken we will have raffle tickets to sell for gift basket draws, running a 50/50 draw (keep this on the down low) and offering light snacks and hot apple cider. The pictures are taken on a first come first serve basis and we request all animals be on a leash or in a carrier until its their time to meet our Santa for their safety. We have experienced in the past that most pictures are taken in the first hour and then after that it is very quiet. Please keep this in mind when you are planning your visit. The cost is $20.00 and you will receive a good quality 4×6 in a Christmas frame along with a digital copy for you to share with your family and friends!
Lastly we have a staff change to tell you about. Vikki Flood has decided that her current one hour commute is too much time to waste when you have 3 kitties, 1 doggie and a partner all waiting for you to return home after a long day. When Vikki came 3 years ago to cover a maternity leave she had 1 cat only and lived a lot closer! We are sad to see Vikki go, but appreciate how much her life has changed in 3 years. When you are in next be sure to introduce yourself to Hannah Nicol, a 2017 graduate from the RVT program at Georgian College. We are very happy to welcome her to our hospital!
Watch for the December newsletter where we will be posting our hospital hours during the holidays.