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Stefano Fontana

Remembrance Day

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November 11 is the day that was set to recall the end of hostilities of World War 1 in 1918.  Currently all commonwealth countries observe November 11 to remember all the men and women who have served and continue to serve our country in times of war, conflict and peace. We, at Kawartha Animal Hospital have been very fortunate to never have personally experienced war, because of all of the courageous and brave.  We want to recognize them today and to say thank you for your service and sacrifice.

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"Thank you to our wonderful clients and friends!"

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Dr. Rick and “Pumpkin” are all smiles and want to say a great big “Thank you to our wonderful clients and friends!”  With your generosity Fundraise for Farley Month, October 2014 was the best at Kawartha Animal Hospital ever.  A grand total of $890.00 was raised and this money will be forwarded to the Farley Foundation later this week.  The 3 happy winners were notified yesterday that they had won their respective gift baskets.  (Dr. Rick is gently holding “Pumpkin”, even though some are concerned he wasn’t, honest!)

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if you haven't yet, thank your RVT this week!

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If you have four legged family members in your home be sure to thank your Veterinary Technician as it is National Veterinary Technician Week from October 13-18.  Kawartha Animal Hospital appreciates the RVT’s for all that they do to keep our hospital fun, friendly and functioning!  Drs. Rick Oliver and Erin Bond rely on you every day for your knowledge and skills.

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Spring is here!

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It doesn’t exactly look or feel like it outside just yet, but the calendar says it is spring.  While we are enjoying the longer days daydreaming about being outside again we wanted to let you know that our pets are also looking forward to it as well.  Our three dogs (and 2 cats) are acting like they have “cabin fever”. Remember that spring can also bring both indoor and outdoor hazards for pets. Heartworm, Flea and Tick season is just around the corner.  Remember to have your pet checked (a 4DX blood test) and then pick up your prevention medication….

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When is Doggy Breath Not Doggy Breath?

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February is widely known in the veterinary industry as Dental Month. Did you know that dental disease is one of the top two health concerns identified in pets today? We estimate that 80% of cats and dogs over the age of 3 have some degree of dental disease. You may not know that your pet has dental disease, or maybe your vet has mentioned it to you. What about plaque, tartar and gingivitis? How do all of these components of oral health factor in to what’s known as dental disease? Your pet’s mouth and yours aren’t so different, after all……

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They say it is Blue Monday…

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They say it is Blue Monday…   Not in our house!  Rick and I shared a good chuckle this morning as we watched “Waldo” literally doing cat somersaults trying to catch his own tail.  Unfortunately my iPhone was still upstairs and I was unable to video the antics. As we are all well aware, winter can be a dark and dreary time of year especially after the holidays.  It still gets dark early. It is cold outside and you may even be snowed in. (I cannot believe how much snow we have this year!)  I know all I want to…

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Happy New Year

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We hope everyone got to celebrate a little (or a lot) over the holidays with their family and friends.  Of course this includes our beloved pets.  We would like to wish everyone a very Happy 2014 and look forward to seeing you soon at Kawartha Animal Hospital.

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