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Spring is here!

By March 22, 2014 Blog

It doesn’t exactly look or feel like it outside just yet, but the calendar says it is spring.  While we are enjoying the longer days daydreaming about being outside again we wanted to let you know that our pets are also looking forward to it as well.  Our three dogs (and 2 cats) are acting like they have “cabin fever”.

Remember that spring can also bring both indoor and outdoor hazards for pets.

Heartworm, Flea and Tick season is just around the corner.  Remember to have your pet checked (a 4DX blood test) and then pick up your prevention medication.  We recommend prevention as the best strategy for avoiding these unwanted pests in your home and on your pets.

Just as in people, some pets may experience seasonal allergies.  Unlike people, pets with allergies will usually scratch excessively.  If left untreated, they will experience bald patches and bleeding.  It does not take long for the irritation to spread from small localized patches to become large patches of smelly, oozing sores also called hot spots.

Gradually start to increase the amount of exercise you do with your pet.  Although some of us continue to work out during the winter, our pets do not have the option of going to the local gym so they will need some time to get back into shape. Increase the level slowly.

Be careful if treating your lawn with fertilizers or pesticides that you follow the recommendations for keeping your pets off of the lawn so that they do not come into contact with any of the products.

Spring cleaning products may contain toxins dangerous to dogs and cats. Handle them with care and store out of reach.

If you know that your pet has a fear of thunderstorms, be sure to have your therapy of choice on hand.  There are several treatment options. It will be important to discuss your pet’s level of fear with your veterinarian to determine which choice is best.

Finally, with the arrival of spring comes Easter. The usual warning for chocolate applies here (especially the dark chocolates). In addition, Easter lilies arrive. These plants can be very toxic to our pets and should always be placed in an area where they are inaccessible to furry family members.

Molly, our Irish setter, Lilee, our gorgeous Heinz 57, Coal, our rescued black lab and finally,  Waldo and Pumpkin, the two ruling felines in our house, all wish you and yours a fabulous snow free spring!

Dr. Rick and Sherry!

Stefano Fontana

Author Stefano Fontana

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