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Goodbye Summer holidays…

By August 29, 2017 Blog

Wow, where did the summer go?  How can it be the last week of August and the last week before school starts?  It has been a whirlwind here at Kawartha Animal Hospital. Since June 19, we have been missing a staff member every week because of staff vacations, health issues and the sudden loss of Dr. Rick’s father in July.  Dr. Rick and I would like to thank the team at Kawartha Animal Hospital for doing a great job and then some during a very stressful period and we want to thank all of our wonderful clients for being patient during this time.

There were several times this summer when the emergency/sick cases were so great that we had to reschedule the annual examination/vaccination appointments.  We hope that you know we do not like to do this but sometimes it cannot be helped.  We are like a family doctor, a pharmacy and the hospital ER under one roof.  Please know that you played a part in helping to keep every pet healthy and happy if you happened to be one of those “routine” appointments that were asked to be rescheduled.

On that note, we would also like to remind everyone that we do request some advance notice to get prescriptions ready for you.  It is a much nicer experience for all if we can get medication ready for you ahead of time instead of you arriving and then having to wait for it (as we might not be able to drop what we are working on the minute that you arrive).  We are always a hospital first.

You will also notice the addition of some leashes in the entry vestibule at Kawartha Animal Hospital.  We request all dogs to be on a leash when in the hospital and all cats to be in a carrier or on a leash.  This is for your own pet’s safety.  You do not know what the other pets in the hospital are visiting for and whether they enjoy meeting other animals.

And lastly, hopefully by now you will have met our newest team member, Emily Harris, who is a Registered Veterinary Technician. Welcome to our family Emily! Her previous veterinary experience here and at another veterinary hospital as well as the Humane Society of Kawartha Lakes has already proven to be very helpful for us!  Please check out the “About Us” page to learn more about Emily.

Stefano Fontana

Author Stefano Fontana

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