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They say it is Blue Monday…

By January 20, 2014 Blog

They say it is Blue Monday…


Not in our house!  Rick and I shared a good chuckle this morning as we watched “Waldo” literally doing cat somersaults trying to catch his own tail.  Unfortunately my iPhone was still upstairs and I was unable to video the antics.

As we are all well aware, winter can be a dark and dreary time of year especially after the holidays.  It still gets dark early. It is cold outside and you may even be snowed in. (I cannot believe how much snow we have this year!)  I know all I want to do in the evening is hunker down in my comfy clothes, eat snacks L  and have a nice drink of something that warms my insides.  Can anyone else relate?  However, at least one of our 5 pets will always do something that snaps me out of that funk.

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“Molly”, “Lilee” & “Coal” all need to go outside to have a good play in the yard.

There aren’t very many days in a year when it is too cold or stormy for the dogs to want some fresh air. Even, if it is only for a short time.  It is hilarious watching “Lilee” and “Coal” chase each other while trying to maneuver the deep snow.  Sometimes they are above ground and other times they fall in to a deep part.  Our one horse “Des” will watch those two play from the side lines, looking as though she wishes she could join in the fun.  (and one day they did!)


All of us here at Kawartha Animal Hospital highly recommend finding some way to spend some time with an animal.  They have a way of brightening your day.  Check out this site Have a great one! Sherry

Stefano Fontana

Author Stefano Fontana

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